Word of the Day: PC Junkie
APPARENTLY the PC patrol has been on the lookout. APPARENTLY one of my blogs is not copasetic with these so called PC junkies. APPARENTLY just because I point out in detail the company, the names and positions, the phone and email addresses of a company that screwed me over and never blinked at the thought of apologizing, there are some issues. Come on people what is this world coming to, and where is Stephen Colbert when I need him.
So at the prodding of the masses and the chance that I might ruin a chance for some peon MBA student, who is confused and doesn’t understand that he really doesn’t want to get messed in the tangled web that is “the company.” I will be removing any items that the PC crowd deems inappropriate. (ignore the run on sentence)
BUT in my attempt to stay on the cutting edge of pushing boundaries that Mrs. Gore worked so hard for. In honor of the likes of 2 live Cru’s I’m So Horny, Dr. Dre’s…well Dr.Dre, Warrant’s Sweet Cherry Pie, and the Illuminati before me. I will not completely remove all evidence, but will encrypt it so only those with the scientific knowledge may follow the path to enlightenment.
It’s a sad day
I feel unfairly represented by your comments. And I protest that you resent our influence, just because we in the PC police obviously KNOW what is best you and your blog. Obviously you ignorantly want to go and get your self in all sorts of legal trouble. I know people can just plainly and bluntly write whatever they want and post it on the WORLD-WIDE web for all to see. But it is a slippery slope until everyone can write the truth and get away with it. Just see it OUR way--you'll see that it is so much better that the open flow of dialog you prefer.
3:02 PM
Still waiting for something new here... How long does this take to update? Seriously folks.
12:59 PM
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