This is the advnetures of the fox and lamb. Depending on the mood you never know who you will catch next.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

w@? I dont undRst&

The first time I read it I couln't believe what was just written. "F/U later" It actually took me a while to figure it out.

In the end, I think it's hilarious (pronounced with the stress and elongated hil...HILLLarious) that blackberry-addicted business people are using "f/u" as shorthand for Follow Up?

kdz nw days

d 1st tym I read it I couln't bleev w@ wz jst ritN. "F/U later" It actuly t%k me a yl 2 figa it ot. n d Nd, I tnk it's hilarious (pronounced W d str$ n elongated hil...HILLLarious) dat blackberry-addicted biz ppl r UzN "f/u" as shorth@ 4 follw ^?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Election Babble

As many of you know I am against voting straight party lines. Yet, it seems this election is all about voting party lines. The sad part is most people don’t take the time to review the voting record of the people running for election. Even sadder is the fact that, thanks to the internet and the use of basic databases, the information is easily available.

So in my attempt to empower the nation I have reviewed some of the sights and have found one that makes it easy. This sight not only tells you how candidates voted on different issues, but also gives you the option of inputting your views and matches what candidate votes closest to what you believe.

The link to the quiz is :

Once at the sight follow the link that reads: SenateMatch Quiz of 33 Senate races in 2006

I recommend that you take it, you might be surprised. I was.

If you want to view a candidate voting record try this link:
By the way, I know it says 2002! If you try it you will see that it is up to date