This is the advnetures of the fox and lamb. Depending on the mood you never know who you will catch next.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Word of the Day: PC Junkie

APPARENTLY the PC patrol has been on the lookout. APPARENTLY one of my blogs is not copasetic with these so called PC junkies. APPARENTLY just because I point out in detail the company, the names and positions, the phone and email addresses of a company that screwed me over and never blinked at the thought of apologizing, there are some issues. Come on people what is this world coming to, and where is Stephen Colbert when I need him.

So at the prodding of the masses and the chance that I might ruin a chance for some peon MBA student, who is confused and doesn’t understand that he really doesn’t want to get messed in the tangled web that is “the company.” I will be removing any items that the PC crowd deems inappropriate. (ignore the run on sentence)

BUT in my attempt to stay on the cutting edge of pushing boundaries that Mrs. Gore worked so hard for. In honor of the likes of 2 live Cru’s I’m So Horny, Dr. Dre’s…well Dr.Dre, Warrant’s Sweet Cherry Pie, and the Illuminati before me. I will not completely remove all evidence, but will encrypt it so only those with the scientific knowledge may follow the path to enlightenment.

It’s a sad day America.

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's a sure thing

It's a sure thing....New Jersey here we come!

Wednesday morning it was finished. There on my front door step was my offer from Campbell Soup. 2 trips and 12 interviews later.

There is not a word I can think of to express my excitement.

My offer was for the position of Business Program Leader, reporting to the Master Planning Department. Its a project management position that is tasked with the commercialization process of any changes in the products. That means that anytime that you see any changes on the soup isle in the store; I had a hand it that change. Overall my job is to bring R&D, Marketing, Production, Procurement, Transportation, ect. to the table and make any product changes a reality. Not only is the position something that I am looking forward to, but also the visibility across functions. I will be working with the best of the best in all departments.

The future is so bright I have to wear shades.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

I can not figure out why everyone keeps saying, "its about time." I finshed my MBA in 2 years from the #1 MBA program in Texas. And I get, "Its about time?" I am lost, the full time program takes 2 years to complete.Oh well, who cares, atleast I am done. Now time to find a job and become part of society again.....I wonder what TV shows are on now.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 08, 2006

Insults From A!@#N

...this blogg has been removed upon repeated request from the PC police. Really, I am not bitter!

You're drivin' along, la-de-da, woo. All of a sudden there's a truck tire in the middle of the road. And you hit the brakes. EEEEEEEEE! Whoa, that was close. Ha-ha. Now let's see what happens when you're driving with the "other guy's" brake pads. You're drivin' along, you're drivin' along, the kids start shouting from the back seat, "I gotta go to the bathroom, Daddy!" "Not now, damn it!" Truck tire. EEEEEEEE! I CAN'T STOP!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Me and my beautiful Wife

Friday, May 05, 2006

What, Me, Never

So here I am pondering what in the world am I going to do with a blog. But like my mother always asked...."If your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too." Of course my smart ass answer was probably something like, "are they jumping into water, and if so how far is it to the water."

So here I am typing away on my own blog! Now what to say.

Well graduation is approaching quickly! Only two more days of class and seven days until graduation. Two years of my life has never gone so quickly. I have met a lot of people and learned far more than I honestly will ever put to use in some areas and only scratched the surface in others. What was the most important thing that I learned? People are never what they seem, and you always tend to look to hard, and in the wrong places for friends, when they are right in front of your face.

I guess I am trying to get at two points. First, that we all try to hard to become something that we are not by imitating what is around us. Only to be disappointed by those people, places, and objects when we get to know them better. And leave ourselves wondering what in the world were we thinking. Which leads into my second point of we are all faking it. In turn we are all fakes. None of us really know ourselves or what we want or where we are trying to get to. Were all just mimicking something that we see and think is better than what and where we are.

My advice to someone close to me, and advice I should take to heart as well. "The grass is always greener closer to the sewer." True, as long as were not talking toxic waste. Then comes the next problem, "Once you get to test the waters of the sewer you will always smell like shit." luckily though as time goes by we only smell our own shit. Or maybe we should continue to smell like shit to everyone, that way we would know who was full of it, who was trying to wash it off, and who was never near it. Would this actually keep us from getting knee deep and up the creek without paddles.

To finish that tangent, I believe the ones I would try and get close to would be those that smell like old shit with a hint of Tea Tree (don't ask the bottle was sitting next to me). These people to me are the wisest of them all. They have waded through the shit, realized that their shit stank, come out the other side and are attempting to wash it all away. To me these are the wisest people of all. Been there, done that, thank God I'm alive, and hell if I am ever going back.

In life people will always surprise, disappoint, and hurt you! It's what makes life interesting and unpredictable.

Ok well that was a gay way to start, but hey I did it. If you want a more witty blog you might try out Steve Schmidts. Rumor has it that it was created during Forecasting.