This is the advnetures of the fox and lamb. Depending on the mood you never know who you will catch next.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Where is the wake!

So my question is where is the wake? The question this morning was where was the break light? No I did not have a wreck. This car in front of me today miraculously stopped. without using the breaks. At least that was how it appeared, given that her break lights were out.

She had no idea what was happening behind her. No one had been nice enough to bring to her attention that her break light's were out. Not even I took the time, after cursing and bringing my car to a overly dramatic stop, took the time to make her aware of what was happening. That somehow makes me feel less liek a human.

It makes me wonder if the person in this picture is looking backwards, or is paddling unknowingly straight ahead.

We set out on our trip. We do what we have been taught. We kick the tires, fill up with premium, check the oil, turn the key, and off we go. Since we have studied the map we know exactly how to get there. Now days there are numerous maps, detailing not only how to get there, but side trips to take along the way. Needles to say, we have “mapped our course.” Although if you watch prime time crime shows, mid-day talk shows, or late night news shows they would try to convince you that “we have mapped our course” should be replaced with, “our course was mapped.”

The issue is that we fail to check our rearview mirror, get out and check the tail lights. Or in my imagination to forget that sharks are attracted to shiny objects as we throw our 3 Musketeers wrapper overboard. Only to look the other way as it gets stuck to the underside of our flotation device.

Kayaking is not a team sport.


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